Mar 06, 2020

Workshop on “Cloud Computing and IOT”

Workshop on “Cloud Computing and IOT”

A workshop on Cloud Computing/IOT was organized for 80 BCA/B.Sc students from Chikodi, Nippani, Gokak and Belagavi Colleges have attended and the workshop was organized by Department of MCA, KLE Dr.M.S.Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belagavi on 06/03/2020.

Prof. Basavaraj Chougala, Prof. Uma Patil , Dr. Manisha Tapale and Prof. Roopa Patil were the resource persons for the workshop. In the morning session Dr. Manisha Tapale enlightened the students about Cloud computing Basics and Services provided by Cloud Technology with various tools available to use in Cloud Computing . Prof. Uma Patil and Prof. Roopa Patil covered the Basics of IOT(Internet of things) and its importance in present context. In the afternoon session Prof. Basavaraj Chougala gave Hands-On experience about IOT software and hardware devices by giving introduction to Blynk Platform and Working principle of DHT11 i.e Humidity and Temperature as well as Moisture sensors. During the workshop the students worked on various IOT projects and virtual simulations for gaining domain experience. The workshop also helped the students to develop an in-depth understanding of top-of-mind Cloud computing and IOT technologies.

Dr. Mahesh Kamoji, Dean Academics and Dr. R V Raikar, Dean R & D were present and expressed their views about the need of such Hands on Workshops on Future technologies to improve the skills required to gain success in their career.

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